Maven Tidy Plug-in - Quick Start DocBook Guide


Table of Contents

Adding the Maven Repository
Adding the Plug-ins to the project pom
Generate a Maven Project Site

This Quick Start DocBook Guide just explains how to modify a Maven Project (and Environment) to get DocBook content generated in a Maven Project Site. There is a more detailed explanation available in the User Guide section Making DocBook content available in a Maven project site .


What other software must be installed first?

  • Java JDK v1.5 (or higher)

  • Maven v2.1 (or higher)

Adding the Maven Repository

The Maven Tidy Plug-in is not yet available through the central Maven Repository, but can be found in the project specific Maven Repository

This Maven Repository can be added in a few different ways to a Maven build environment. Below are the most common options listed.

  • Add the <pluginRepository> lines direct to the project pom.xml

    Single user - Single project

  • Add the <pluginRepository> lines to a <profile> in the ~/.m2/setting.xml

    Single user - Multiple projects

  • Add the repository to a Maven Repository Proxy, like Nexus, Artifactory, etc.

    Multiple users - Multiple projects

      <name>DocBook Utils</name>

Adding the Plug-ins to the project pom

Add the following plug-ins to the project pom.xml. Maybe add the <pluginManagement> part a parent project.

        <!--  Generate (X)HTML / PDF documents from DocBook content  -->

        <!--  Clean up the, by docbkx-maven-plugin, generated HTML  -->

        <!--  Generate Project Site  -->
    <!--  Plug-in used in this project  -->

      <!--  Generate (X)HTML / PDF documents from DocBook content  -->

      <!--  Clean up the, by docbkx-maven-plugin, generated HTML  -->

      <!--  Generate Project Site  -->

Generate a Maven Project Site

  • Generate the Maven project site

    $  mvn  clean  site